Full Moon Rituals.. sound familiar?... maybe ...No?

Hold up.. What is the full moon energy? we can certainly she'd some light on this fascinating topic

Maybe you keep hearing about these Full Moon Rituals and as much as it sounds cosmically fabulous and deep rooted to Mother Earth .. where does one start to become aligned with the Moon's 'Goddess Energy' and in turn become a goddess oneself? (Because that's what we all want right? after all we are all goddesses & deserve deep love, light, health and abundance ).

Here at Om & Ah we use the moon cycles regularly so we figured a nice introduction into a Full Moon Goddess Ritual might be just the ticket for your forthcoming avalanche of abundance that you are ABSOLUTELY going to manifest into your life... in fact you've just started by reading this... first step complete.. how easy was that? :) 

Our beginners guide to a basic Full Moon Ritual will help you tip your toe into the cosmic pools of power without feeling out of your depth or overwhelmed, broken into easy steps you can take it in your stride and enjoy!

Firstly, understanding the magnitude of Lunar will give you some perspective why so many women, men & children invest time all over the world twice a month dedicated to the Moon and have done so for centuries.

The moon has immense power after all it controls the tide, the female cycle, the eco system & of course our personal power..these are just a few but it certainly helps you see that your personal desires are 100% attainable, after all if the moon can captain the ocean it can captain your abundance!

The Moon has fascinated humanity for years perhaps it's something built in us like a secret sat nav that directs us towards it's deep mysterious energy, maybe we aren't harnessing it's powers enough? perhaps somewhere along the line we've forgotten our connection and are trying to reconnect - an awakening! or maybe we just like big beautiful bright things and are naturally drawn to its mesmerising energy ... 


LET'S START!  Full moon energy for full moon goddess

The night of the Full Moon
1. Tidy your space, throughout the day in preparation clean your home or room after all clutter doesn't help anything or anyone and a cluttered home is a cluttered mind and we need absolute clarity to manifest our desires.
2. Buy some candles or some intense sticks, we actually like using sage and we carefully burn it in a fire proof dish (Always be cautious when using flames) and cleanse the space you plan to do your Full Moon ritual in. 
3. Make a nice comfortable spot, maybe some cushions or a chair, we often have a cup of herbal tea to hand. If you have any crystals this would be a good time to use them and place them on you or nearby. We use the following:
Clear Quartz to set our intentions,
Rose Quartz to bring in more love,
 Amethyst for balance.
Labradorite for good fortune and monetary benefits .
Citrine to bring happiness & Joy 
4. Have paper and pen to hand
5. If you like soothing music feel free to find a gentle sound track that won't be too distracting for your ritual. Take a seat and make sure you won't be disturbed - this is your time. Take deep breaths and relax .
Allow your mind to wander and when you are ready think about the things that no longer serve you or you feel are blocking your progress. Tonight you will be releasing these to Lunar, you will be surrendering these, so you can make room for all the good stuff to arrive. The universe and lunar work well together - clear out the clutter and negativity to give you space to receive.
6. Once you are clear on the things you want to release, grab your paper and pen and begin to write - for example
 " I release my negative self talk as it no longer serves me"
"I release my fear of being hurt"
'I release my worry for money and I make room for abundance to flow to me "
Take your time, enjoy the relaxing process - you may even get emotional - let that come and acknowledge it's appearance and allow it to flow.
Once you have written down your 'releases' (We recommend no more than ten) read them aloud or internally, acknowledge and thank them for appearing but now it's time for you to say goodbye to them to make room for so much new light that is on it's way tonight.
7. Take your fire proof dish and carefully place your paper and burn those pieces until they are dust . (It maybe safer to go outside when doing this plus its a full moon what better night?! ) after you have burned the 'releases'
take a seat meditate on that release and thank Lunar for removing these blocks and allowing light to flow into your life in all aspects and than her for the healing energy she so generously shares with the world. We often take a seat and sip our tea, hold our crystal and fill ourselves with a ball of white light that comes all the way down from our crown to our toes.. sit as along as you need.
8. Congratulations you just released some serious blocks - it's no easy task and you should be very proud of yourself :) 
9. The final stage : take the dust from the burning outside and release it to earth with an open and grateful heart. 
Finally sleep well and allow the light & space you created tonight to flow effortlessly, freely and with no harm onto others into your life.
Our next beginners ritual will be all about the NEW MOON which is a super magnetic time to use the space you cleared on the full moon to get specific about those things you want to bring into your life  and we will be exploring new moon rituals for beginners and an intro into a new moon meditation!
Until then we are sending you much love and light x